Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Rock and a Hard Place Three- I Surrender

A continuation of the short story fan fiction based on the Walking Dead tv show.

Rock and a Hard Place Three

I Surrender

            So hungry, I thought as my stomach growled again in the dead of night. The crisp early winter air bit at my face and I pulled the hood closer. I’ve been hiding for two days from a huge horde of zombies passing through a once quaint little town. They had been meandering outside and I couldn’t risk making a sound to draw their attention. I tried not to think about how hungry I was. I ate my last package of Ramen noodles two days ago without the pleasure of boiling it in water. I just ate it right out of the package, it was still satisfying.

            No sleep tonight. I had tried to get around the horde before I could get blocked into this building, I didn’t want to get surrounded. But that’s just what happened, I wasn’t fast enough. Must be the lack of food. Now as the early morning dawn broke over the horizon, I looked out the small upstairs window to see the horde still milling in the same area. Why aren’t they moving on? Shit!

            I couldn’t stay here much longer, not without food and a dwindling water supply. Just then, a single shot rang out to the East followed by a distressed cry, it almost didn’t sound human. The cry soon stopped with another gunshot then silence again. Sounds like someone’s end but an opportunity for me, the horde is beginning to move off towards the sound. Here’s my opening.

            Everything I owned was still strapped to my back; I made it a habit never to take it off. I unsheathed my machete and made my way to the back door. All clear. Staying low to the ground I smoothly made my way to the woods. It was always dangerous to run in the woods, every branch you step on seems to bring them out and you run the risk of tripping over roots; spraining an ankle was a death sentence here.

            Keeping the horde to my left, I followed to where the gunshot originated. It must seem foolhardy going towards a group of walking dead, but I couldn’t pass up a chance at collecting weapons. Guns were very few and far between; guns with bullets even more so. All I had now was a machete and a pocket knife, having a gun with even just one bullet would be helpful.

            The horde surrounded a small form in a debris filled clearing. From the looks of it, this was someone’s campsite and that someone now lay in the center of the feeding frenzy. In between arms and legs and teeth, I saw the gleam of the handgun. Perhaps I can wait them out and collect the gun later and maybe there were more supplies in the camp I can forage. A newfound confidence came to me, I even smiled a little. It’s been a long time since I thought I was any steps ahead of this madness.

            It didn’t take long for the horde to finish off the carcass and begin to move off. Only bones and ripped flesh was left. After the all clear, I carefully made my way to the center of the red mass. The gun should be underneath and the thought of picking through it was unsettling but necessary.

            The flesh didn’t even have time to cool, congealed blood and matter squished through my fingers as I gripped the gun; elated I pulled it out and stepped back when a blinding pain radiated from my right ankle. Hearing a loud snap of metal meeting metal, the clamp of a trap now surrounded my foot. I couldn’t hold back the scream that let loose from my lungs.

            Immediately, I reached down to try and pull at the trap. My lower leg seemed to disappear into it; metal met bone and even if I did get my foot out it would useless. My scream attracted the same horde back to another feast and there seemed to be more this time.

            Dead eyes and throaty moans met me as they advanced. My machete would not be enough to save me, I could take down one or two but being unable to twist around, one of the bastards will still get me. The thought of being eaten alive was unbearable. I looked down at the eaten corpses and now noticed the same trap around her leg; it finally hit me.

            The first bullet was an attempt to fight back, the second bullet was surrender.

            The gun seemed to weigh more in my hand and heavy on my mind. As the throng came closer and the smell of death invaded my nose I had one final thought. Please God, let there be just one more bullet.

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