Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Rock and a Hard Place 12- The Wall Five

The Wall Five
            “What were you doing out so late, Jen? I was worrying my ass off waiting to hear from you. If you walk out like that again…I’ll…” Hank couldn’t finish; he was seething. Jen would go off on her own before when they lived in the settlement but that didn’t antagonize him more than here. There are so many people here, too many potential threats. Jen didn’t have an explanation and soon ran to her room to sulk, Hank let her go.
            “Marla, thank you for bringing her home. If anything were to happen to her…”
            “She’s being a teen; no one got hurt.” Marla spoke unsure of how to broach the subject. “So, you wanna tell me how you did on your placement test?” She smiled.
            “Oh, yeah. Come in, I’ll get you something to drink.” Hank came back with two room temperature beer bottles. “Compliments of a friend, a welcome to the neighborhood gift. Unfortunately, my fridge is being temperamental.” Hank explained.
            “It’s okay, I could use a drink. It’s been a rough day.” Marla sighed as she twisted the top off.
            “Well, I got Close Combat Trainer. I guess it’s exactly what it sounds.” Hank blurted out.
            “You made the NCD force, that’s impressive. I wasn’t sure because of your age that…I mean, not that you’re old, it’s just that you’re….well….old?” Marla smiled awkwardly unsure how to remove the foot she just inserted into her mouth without tearing anything.
            “Yeah, I know, I am older. Before the world changed, 55 wasn’t that old actually. Now…now it seems like the human life span has become increasingly shorter, so 55 is ancient to you young kids.” Hank smiled but inside it was a terrible thought to think that his daughter may not make it to 55.
            “I’m not that young, I’m 24. That’s practically middle aged.” Marla laughed. Her thoughts were in turmoil thinking that perhaps asking Hank for help wasn’t a good idea, not now that he’s made the NCD. However, if Marla was able to get him on their side, having someone inside the NCD may be more beneficial and worth the risk.
            “Hank, tell me what you know about the Dead Heads.” Marla thought it better not to wait any longer even though she almost laughed at the expression on Hank’s face.
            “Well, not much. I just heard that they’re dangerous, that they don’t approve of life behind the Wall; they caused that walker attack when we first arrived in the city.” Hank spoke as if he was giving a report.
            “Would it surprise you to know that I was once a Dead Head?” Marla tested him.
            “You? Well, no actually, it wouldn’t. But…”Marla interrupted him.
            “Hank, I need your help. The lives of my friends, your daughter, and the whole city could be in danger. Please, just hear me out. The Dead Heads are being set up.” Marla mirrored her earlier conversation with Pete. Hank leaned in to listen thinking perhaps it was a mistake to move to the city as Marla began to speak a polite knock sounded at the door.
            “Excuse me.” Hank stood to answer the caller and was greeted by a screener and his team.
            “Good evening citizen, we are here to conduct a random screen. Please have all occupants present for the screen.” The man wore a white lab coat over blue slacks and button down shirt. He spoke through a medical face mask that muffled his words.
            “What’s this all about?” Hank asked a little put out at having to submit to this.
            “Hank, just do as he says, please.” Marla was beside him, her hand on his elbow.
            “I’ll get Jen.” Hank left to walk upstairs. The team of four spread out throughout the lower floor sifting through articles of clothing, papers, and drawers. The screener tested blood from Marla first.
            “Marla Goode, says here your shift ended hours ago yet you’re still here at your newbie’s home?” He asked.
            “Yes, I’m finding out how he did on his classification exam.” Marla didn’t want to give him any more information. Hank reappeared at the bottom of the stairs.
            “Jen’s gone. Her window was open.” Hank said with worry.
            “That’s unfortunate, it’s curfew for minors. If she’s caught on the streets now, she’ll be arrested.” The screener smiled; Hank was nose to nose standing over him in two strides.
            “Hank,” Marla tried to diffuse the situation, “we’ll find her.”

            Judith Grimes rode the train from the outer wall; the late day chill caused her to pull her jacket tighter. She always gets anxious when she meets her brother, with so much going on in the city that most people don’t even know about, it could get very dangerous to continue these meetings. But Carl needed her, now more than ever, and she was going to stand by him.
            The train rambled from the outer wall through the various districts full of newbies and non-conformists. Judith viewed them from the window and wondered why they were here; why was anyone here. The train stopped at the last station before entering the inner wall. Judith sat still as screeners and guards entered to check the credentials of the remaining passengers.
            To enter the inner wall you have to either live or work there and carry the right identification issued by the Data Collection Agency with whom Judith worked as an employee.
            “Miss, your ID please.” The young guard spoke through a military grade mask. The guards wore them for protection against any biological threat civilians in the city may pose. She handed him her ID and she passed through the checkpoint without incident. The train continued on its route and Judith felt a sense of dread in her stomach. She always felt this way when she went to see the head of the council.
            Judith was the only one of the Dead Heads to be able to get behind the inner Wall but she also has access to the council chambers. As she left the train station and walked the clean streets, passing polite and happy people, she entered the Council Hall. The ornate columns and the capital with its graceful scroll brought to mind pictures of Greek Architecture she had seen in books.
            These were the last few remaining shadows of human engineering, a sign of a civilization long dead. Judith walked to the reception and asked to see the Head Council member.
            “He’s expecting you, Ms. Grimes. Go in please.” She spoke politely. Judith walked the familiar halls and entered the tall dark oak doors. There sitting behind an oversized wooded desk was the target of the Dead Heads and the supposed reason for suffering behind the Wall.
            “Hi, dad.” Judith spoke with a small smile.
            “Judy, I’m glad you’re back.” Rick Grimes stood to greet his daughter.

To Continue…

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