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Sunday, August 25, 2013

Immune 15-Treachery of the Dead- The Walking Dead FanFiction by Lolita Lynn

-Immune 15- Treachery of the Dead

            I didn’t know how long I had been out. I woke up maybe twice before and through blurry eyes could see the good doctor as he put another rag to my mouth and then I would fade out again. The second time I straddled the realm between unconsciousness and rational thought I kept my eyes closed so as to not be put under again. I felt my hands were bound behind my back and my feet were also bound and attached to my wrists loosely with a length of rope. I could hear the doctor’s voice, Ridgewell that jerk, speaking with another man of more authority.

            “How long before we can get back to Arlington?” He asked.

            “Our supplies are dangerously low, Ridgewell. We don’t even have enough fuel to drive these trucks back up North. We’d be lucky to even make South Carolina.” The other man said.

            “Well haven’t your men procured any provisions from the last town? They seemed willing to help the National Guard, like most would.”

            “Could have, but that town was overrun with the bastards. Besides, there was nothing left to scavenge anyway. That town belonged to the dead.” National Guard, I thought. I didn’t think there were any more organizations left. Or they could just be men pretending to be the National Guard to inspire hope and cooperation from any survivors they came across.

            “Look, doc, I sent Lieutenant Welles and the chopper out to scout for any signs of survivors. Where there’s survivors there has to be food, water, or fuel. At least a little of it. Once we make contact, we’ll trade weapons for supplies, so don’t get your panties in a twist. You just watch your charge there. Make sure she stays out until we get to Arlington.” There were some shuffling sounds as if he was placing a map on a table.

            “Listen, Coronel Marsh, you’re a man of honor. I’m not too comfortable taking Ms. Summers back to him. I’m not sure what he’s going to do but it can’t be good for her. I’d like a chance to study her on my own before I turn her over or at least to make sure she won’t be hurt by him. Do you think we can make a slight detour in…”

            “Look son, I understand your concern, I really do, but he has big plans for her. He says there could be a cure and that’s good for what’s left of the world in my opinion.”

            “Even if that cure could cost Summers her life?” Ridgwell asked.

            “Yes.” Coronel Marsh stated coldly. Up until now I was thinking he would be my best chance of inside help; now that plan is shot to hell. The sound of a radio stopped any further conversation.

            “Yeah, Welles, go ahead.”

            “Yes, sir, we found a town not far from your current position. It’s got a pretty sizable gate, armed guard and people in the streets. It looks secure enough. Here’s the coordinates.” Welles on the radio read off numbers that I didn’t understand.

            “That should be here. Not too far. We can’t send a Humvee and burn gas, set the chopper down in a field and make contact with them. Give them the same story that we’re a National Guard camp needing fuel, food, and water and that we have weapons we can trade. Radio me back with their answer.” Marsh ended the call.

            “You probably outnumber them; why not just take what you need?” Ridgewell asked.

            “Because I’m not a bastard.” Marsh answered sternly.

            It felt like hours that I lay on that hard floor pretending to be unconscious. I didn’t want to make my move too soon and not be able to get away. Already I couldn’t feel my arms and legs and I could try to run only to have my limbs fail me. I was even able to sleep a little since I was keeping my eyes closed but the sound of rapid gunfire woke me up and I forgot my rouse allowing my eyes to pop open.

            I was in the back of a wide truck that had a table on one side; probably their mobile command center. The bullets hit the truck and shattered the windshield. The back door swung open and light flooded in momentarily blinding me. It was Doctor Ridgewell with concern on his face.

            “I have to get you out of here.” He untied my arms and my legs all the while the gunfire didn’t stop. As soon as I had my hands free I gave him a strong right hook and knocked him against the truck but I wasn’t fast enough, another man stepped out from the side of the truck and the butt of a rifle made contact with my face. I didn’t have time to feel the pain as the darkness, my old friend, met me again.

            I was getting tired of being knocked out lately. I woke up and the light of day faded from what I could see through the haphazardly boarded up window. I was tied again only this time I was sitting on a cold stone floor with my torso wrapped with rope and my hands tied in front of me.

            “You’re awake.” That British accent again coming from behind me and I realized that Ridgewell was tied up too, to me.

            “Damn.” Was all I could say.

            “You can say that again.” He said

            “Damn you. You kidnapped me…” He cut me off.

            “Shhh. They don’t know that. I told them you were my assistant.”

            “Who exactly are ‘them’?” I asked him pissed off.

            “The people who took us. He said they found our pilot Welles crashed in the woods and he told them where to find us. He even had a white flag. Then, I don’t know who shot first but there were bullets flying from them. I told them I was medical doctor and you were my assistant and that we were in the area trying to locate the girl who is immune.”

            “I don’t follow.” I was really confused. Maybe that guy hit me harder that I thought.

            “They know about you. But only your name, they don’t know what you look like. They probably heard more rumors like those men you came across. They’re looking for you. I told them that we were working on a way to find a cure using you, or Vanessa Summers anyway, and that we would be invaluable if she’s found.” Ridgewell had devised this plan to save their lives or else the unknown assailants would have killed them too. That still didn’t endear me to him.

            “How do I know this? How do I know that these people aren’t trying to rescue me from you and those men? You’re the one who drugged me; you’re the one who kidnapped me. You entered that prison and knew exactly what you were going to do. You drugged me and tied me up, why the hell should I trust you?” And I was just about to tell him to kiss my ass when a man walked in the room.

            He was tall and handsome in a rugged sort of way with a confident strut. He wore a vest that was probably bullet proof which added to his authoritative feel. I was at the point now where very little information was best. Ridgewell obviously didn’t tell them I was Summers, the girl they were looking for; allegedy, but I didn’t know if that was for the better or the worse. It would all depend on the pretty boy here.

            “Assistant, you’re awake? What’s your name?” He asked me and I didn’t hesitate.

            “Tina. My name is Tina.” The name on the bracelet shown just beneath the bounds on my wrists and the man glanced at it.

            “Tina. Forgive the precautions but we don’t normally invite hostiles into our town.”

            “I’m not hostile.”

            “No, you weren’t one of the ones shooting at us. I understand that you’re looking for someone, the same someone I’m looking for. Perhaps we can help each other. Our town here is safe from biters, we have food, water, even electricity. You’re safe here.” He voice was pleasant enough.  

            “I don’t feel safe being tied up.” He looked back at one of the 3 armed men that entered with him and he stepped forward to cut us free. Another man caught my eye in the background because he had a makeshift metal appendage where a hand should be.

            “So, can we help each other? We can offer food, shelter while you can offer your…services.” He explained again. “Do you know where she is? Do you have any clues?”

            “We were searching the nearby area, our map has the coordinates of our pervious search girds. We haven’t found anything yet.” Ridgewell spoke up and he sounded convincing.

            “Yes, I saw that. But do you have any more information on her like what does she look like, her age, things like that so my men can help with the search?”

            “Sorry, no.” Ridgewell denied. He seems pretty adamant on not helping and I didn’t really know who to trust.

            “Tina?” He stood in front of me.

            “No, I don’t know anything more.” I could have been shooting myself in the foot especially if Ridgewell was the bag guy and this man wasn’t. I was thankful that the long sleeves covered the bite marks on my arms; that would have been a dead giveaway.

            “Okay, well Merle here is going to show you to your room. Get some rest and I’ll see you in the morning. Welcome to Woodbury.” He started to walk out.

            “And you are?” I asked him.

            “They just call me The Governor.”  He left and the one called Merle with the metal hand escorted us out of the room and into another.

            “I’m sure you two will find these accommodations quite comfortable.” Merle said with a leer and a deep southern drawl as he closed the door. I heard the lock engaged from the outside and immediately walked to the nearest window to find them nailed shut. Looking out even in the dark of night, I could see that the streets were clean. No bodies or other signs of the world ending. Only a few guards walked by probably on patrol out on the street while anyone else was most likely inside.

            Merle, I’ve heard talk of him before. I know he’s Daryl’s brother and that he wasn’t exactly the nicest guy. Should I get back to the prison in one piece, I’ll still make it a point to tell Daryl where he can find his brother.

            “If we’re supposed to be guest, why are we locked in?” Ridgwell made a point and I told him so. “You know you can call me Julian.” He sat on one of the twin beds absentmindedly rubbing his wrist where they were bound.

            “Okay, Julian, what now?” I sat on the other and a feeling of pure exhaustion hit me hard. All I wanted to do was sleep and forget this day had ever happened.

            “We sleep then tomorrow, well…we’ll see.” If Julian said anything after that, I didn’t hear it. As soon as my head hit the pillow, it was all she wrote.

            The next day started pleasant enough. We were invited under guard to have breakfast with this governor and I’m sure he’s just using this as an opportunity to drill us for more information.

            “How’d you sleep?” He asked as he drank his tea.

            “Good, I was more tired than I realized.” I couldn’t help but feel uneasy. It was forced pleasantries that filled the silence that may have unnerved me. The Governor said something about Milton, the quite man with the glasses, working on something we may be interested in.

            “Milton here is our resident scientist. He’s been working on what makes the biters for a while now. Perhaps you can trade notes or something.” We ate the rest of our breakfast in silence.

             “What about Welles? The pilot? I believe you said you found him alive in the wreckage, may we see him?” Julian asked.

            “I’m sorry, but he died earlier this morning.” Milton finally spoke up.

            “Just give this place a chance; we have everything you could ever need here. We even have people, survivors like yourselves that have found a place here. You should go out and meet them then later you can report to Milton and get started. Doctor, I took a look at your search grids, I’ll have my men continue where you left off.” Governor finished up his breakfast.

            “You know, you never really told us what happened back on the road.” I spoke.

            “Yes I did. They fired on me and my men. I had to act fast to protect them, you understand. There is always someone out there who wants what you have.”

            With that we were ushered out into the day. Woodbury seemed peaceful enough with its clean streets and roaming children but the armed guards and enigmatic Governor told a different story. As I looked around the gated community I saw one face that I was both pleased and unnerved to see, Andrea.

To be continued…

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