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Tuesday, August 13, 2013

"Immune 7-Sacrifice of the Dead" The Walking Dead FanFiction by Lolita Lynn

“Immune 7 Sacrifice of the Dead”


“The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one.”

I sit in my room and stare at the sterile walls. Spending the last week working with Jenner on this cure, he finally tells me something I never thought I would never hear. That I must die so others can live. Isn’t that a kick in the butt. I survived a zombie apocalypse only to forfeit my life for a possible cure. I can hear Rick and the others talking in the next room. I didn’t know how I was going to face them. Jenner is in there as well arguing his case. I wasn’t able to give him an answer right away. I needed to think.

“I’m not trying to sound harsh or cruel, but the facts speak for themselves. Vanessa’s brain is the key. I need to collect deep tissue samples that will ultimately kill her.” Jenner paused. The children were thankfully in the game room with Carol, Lizzy didn’t need to hear this. “You’re talking about someone’s life.” Dale spoke up. “You’re asking her to kill herself in the hopes that the brain samples you collect will enable you to find a cure. There’s no guarantee, is there?” Dale asked.

“No, there is no guarantee, but I’m sure I can find it. I’ve been studying the samples I have since this all started; I’m also recording all my findings and sending them out to any other CDC that could still be in operation so if I’m not successful, someone will be.” Jenner pleaded. “That’s just it; if you’re not successful Vanessa would still be dead.” Dale countered.

“This will be her decision.” Rick spoke. “We’re not going to force her to do anything she doesn’t want to do.” “And how is that going to work?” Shane’s voice sounded. I hadn’t heard much from him lately, but he sounded determined now. “So she decides she doesn’t want to save the world, then what? We just go on from here? One of those things bites us and she watches us die while she gets to live? Well that doesn’t seem fair. She has the power to help us all and if she says no, she’ll be dooming everyone.”

“Is it fair to ask someone to die for others like this? You make it sound like she had a choice in being immune. That she had control of that. What if it was you, Shane? What if you were immune? Are we suppose just expect you to die for us? Are you prepared for that?” Dale asked.

“I hate to say it, but Shane is right.” Daryl’s voice expressed. “We’ve been hiding out trying to just survive; now we have a chance, we should take it. I’m tired of running.”

“So kill her. Just kill her likes she’s nothing. She saved our lives on that mountain, or did we all forget?” Emotion filled Dale’s voice. He is always so kind-hearted, I took an instance liking to him.  “No one’s saying that, Dale. We’re just saying that…” I walked in and interrupted Shane. The room was silent and I looked about. Some were able to look me in the eye, some weren’t.

“I’ll do it. I’ll do it, Jenner.” I spoke softly, my voice filled with fear. I tried to hold in the quiver in my voice but couldn’t. I tried to be strong but tears soon flowed down my cheeks. I turned and walked out the room and found a dark corner to cry. I don’t know how long I was there until Lori laid a warm hand on my shoulder. We exchanged looks and I fell into her arms. I thought at times that Lori could be full of herself but in that moment I needed a kind face. I had to face the fact that I was going to die but that the others and Lizzy were going to live.

The day of the surgery came faster than I would have wanted. Jenner was meticulous in the preparations and the documentation. He had been using video journaling to document his research and sending out a signal in the hopes that someone was watching the feed. He had been doing the same with his research on me. I walked into the exam room and lay on the table.  Jenner and Rick were there, I guess Rick was going to assist while Shane, Daryl, and Glen stood in the observation area to watch. It was hard to try to explain to Lizzy what was going to happen, she didn’t take it well and locked herself in her room. I heard her crying behind the door and my heart hurt. Now that I’m lying down, I stared at the ceiling reflecting on the life I lived. Not sure that I made all the right decisions but I think l lived a good life, I just wish I had more time. Jenner inserted a needle in my arm and my mind thankfully started to go numb. He looked me in the eyes and I could see he wasn’t a bad man, just a man who lost a love and was doing the best he could. A warmth fell over me and the fear I felt evaporated.  The outside edges of my vision rolled over black and I sank into oblivion, ready for what the afterlife had to offer me.

“Okay, Rick I need you to hand me the tools I ask for, quickly. The ones we went over, remember?” Jenner asked me. We had gone over the procedure an hour before, I didn’t want to volunteer but someone had to help Jenner. I thought this was wrong, but Vanessa seems willing, however there was fear in her eyes and it wasn’t easy to watch her lay on that table. Suddenly, Lizzy burse into the operating room.

“You can’t!” she yelled, tears drenched her face. “Lizzy, you need to leave, now.” I calmly told her but she was scared. “No! I won’t let you kill her!” Lizzy ran to the monitor and yanked on the tubes,  the leads fell out of the machine and the monitor went blank. I grabbed for her but she dodged my hand and headed for the sample table. Using the stool she began to smash the samples left and right.

“NO!” Jenner shouted. “Daryl, Glen, get in here!” I yelled to them but the sound of the computer’s voice over the loud speaker stopped them. “Contamination eminent.  Facility will be sealed. Containment protocol active.”

“Shit! You have to get out of here, now!” I had a struggling Lizzy in my arms, “What? Why?” Jenner started unhooking Vanessa and lifting her off the table. Lizzy stopped fighting sensing an urgency in his voice and Jenner placed Vanessa in my arms. “Because this building is going to be deystroyed. To protect against pathogens being released, the computer has sense a threat and it’s going to destroy the whole complex. You have to get Vanessa out of here now!”

Jenner pushed us out of the operating room and sealed the door shut. I watched him run past the broken samples into the main control area to the console. “Daryl! Here, take Vanessa. Shane, get everyone and whatever supplies they can carry back to the surface, hurry!” Shane, Daryl, Glen and Lizzy ran off with an unconscious Vanessa, I ran to the nearest intercom. “Jenner, we’ve got to go! Come on!”

“I can’t. The computer is sealing everything down. I need to try and get the outer doors opened or you’ll never get out.” Jenner pressed buttons on the console and began speaking into the microphone. “This is Jenner, I hope someone has been receiving this. The surgery to extract brain tissue samples has failed. Vanessa Summers is still alive and it is vital that if someone out there is hearing this finds Ms. Summers and takes her to a medical facility to complete the procedure, if she’s willing. You don’t know how important this woman is.” I ran. Back to Lori and Carl and the group waiting in the outer lobby. The steel doors remained shut as a countdown started. Everyone was here but…”Where’s Jacqi?” I asked.

“She’s staying.” Andrea answered but sounded disappointed. At that point the door began to rise and we filed out quickly. We were unable to grab as much food and water as I hoped and it seemed that we were no better off now than we were when we arrived. Once inside the convoy, the building exploded in a brilliant fireball. The heat was felt through the minor protection of the camper. The sound was deafening.  Jenner and Jacqui were gone and so was the hope of finding a cure. Jenner must have been talking to whoever he thought was listening, pleading with them to find Vanessa and complete what he started. What if someone was listening? Did Jenner just turn Vanessa into a target? And what if the people who were listen had less than good intentions? I glanced back at a sleeping Vanessa in the rear view as the convoy headed out, how safe were they really now? How safe was she? The thought of a cure would be tempting to anyone left alive, but what is someone desperate willing to do for that?

“Guys, listen up. Jenner didn’t have a chance to finish what he started, but for right now, I think it’s better if we don’t spread the fact that Vanessa is immune to anyone outside the group; for her safety and for our own. Agreed?” Lori, Dale and Andrea nodded their heads. At their first stop he’ll make his decision known to the others.


The group in Atlanta was not aware of man in an expensive suit sitting at a monitor; he had just finished the video stream of Dr. Jenner’s research and an immune test subject peaked his interest. “Colonel Marsh,  do you know what people would do for the chance to live without fear of infection?” A man in camo stood just behind the man in the suit. “I doubt money is of any interest to anyone any longer, sir.” He answered. “No, not money Marsh; power and control. I want you to go to Atlanta with a team of your best men and bring this Vanessa Summers back for testing.” Suit man printed out a picture of Vanessa and handed it to Colonel Marsh.

“What if she refuses?” Suit man simply smiled back at him. “Convince her.” “Yes, sir.”

To be continued…..

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