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Tuesday, August 13, 2013

"Immune 8-Democracy Under the Dead" The Walking Dead FanFiction by Lolita Lynn

“Immune 8 Democracy Under the Dead”

The CDC has been destroyed and Jenner and Jacqui are dead. The surgery to extract brain tissue from Vanessa has failed and now the group is on the road again with more questions than answers. Are they now a target or will they be able to find shelter and safety?

Rick told me what happened at the CDC and I had a long talk with Lizzy. She knew she done something wrong but she was glad that I was alive, for how long, I’m not too sure. Rick told me about Jenner’s last ditch effort to get someone to complete his work, I would have to be careful of other survivors now, there’s no telling who was watching that desperate plea.  “I’m glad you understand, Lizzy. Next time you can’t do what you did.” Lizzy looked at me. “There’s going to be a next time?” She asked. I couldn’t answer her question directly, “Just stay in the camper with Sophia and Carl.” I walked outside. The group had stopped on the highway that was blocked by hundreds of abandoned cars and the adults were discussing strategy.

“We need to double back and take Exit 290.” Shane spoke. “There’s not enough gas in the camper for that, we’d probably break down way before we reached the exit.” “Then we need to spread out and search for supplies. Anything we can find and we’ll try to siphon as much gas from these cars as we can. T-Dog and Glen, you’re on gas duty. Shane, Daryl and I will search for supplies. Dale you work on the camper. Andrea, stand watch for any walkers.” Rick directed everyone.

“What should I do?” I asked and the group looked my way. They were silent, they have been for a while after the destruction of the CDC.  “I thought that you needed to rest.” Rick said.

“I feel much better. I want to help.” I needed to help actually. I needed to do something besides think. “Okay, help Andrea keep watch then.” I looked over at her, she was despondent after the CDC exploded, she had wanted to stay and die along with the others, but Dale forced her hand, at least that’s what I gathered from Lori. Andrea took her weapon and climbed up on the camper, I followed suit.

I watched as the others spread out to follow Rick’s orders.  I wasn’t sure that Rick falling into the role of leader would be for the best; all I did know is that I didn’t want the job. Being the leader means being responsible for others in the choices you make. I already had a responsibility to save what’s left of the human race; I don’t think I needed any more on my plate.

“How do you feel?” Andrea surprised me by speaking. “Okay, I guess. You know, considering…” I paused. “Considering that you should be dead? Look, I never got a chance to actually thank you for that, I don’t think anyone has. You were willing to give your life to save ours, that’s noble. I just have…regrets.”

“Regrets that I’m not dead?” I took slight offense. “No, that’s not what I mean, I meant that, if there does turn out to be a cure for all of this, that Amy won’t benefit from it. I shot her. I shot my sister.”

“I don’t think you had a choice, Andrea. I’m sorry.” I could hear the kids pop out of the camper. “Vanessa? Can we come out now, it’s boring in there.” Lizzy asked. “I guess so, but stay close and no making noise.”  “I’ll watch them.” Carol spoke up and they sat on the trunk of a nearby car talking softly. I felt bad for the children having to grow up in a world like this. They deserved some place safe.

After a while the men returned with very little in the way of supplies. Dale climbed to the top of the camper and I could see he wanted to talk to Andrea, I left without a word. We were all milling about the unusable cars and parts until Rick caught sight of something down the highway. I could see him tense and knew something was wrong. He hurried over to us and whispered to get under the cars. I glanced beyond the camper and caught sight of what put fear into his eyes, a walker horde shambled its way towards us. There were too many of them to fight off and we had nowhere to go. The horde may move slower than us but we would soon tire and the horde could overwhelm us, the best thing now would be to hide and let them go by.

I shimmied under a Honda, I could see Lizzy and Sophia under a car 10 feet away. All was quite except for the shuffle of dead feet. I assume they couldn’t smell us because of the highway being full of cars and the pungent smell of leaking gas or oil. That’s one thing in our favor but if anyone made a sound, the horde would be on them in moments.  Then my worse fear was realized. The main bulk of the horde had past but a few remaining stragglers took longer to move through. Lizzy or Sophia must have made a noise a two walkers were on them trying to claw at them under the car. They screamed. There were still enough walkers between them and me and once I was out I had to put them down first to get there. I saw Rick out of the corner of my eye doing the same. Shane and Daryl kept a few at bay but the girls ran along the embankment out of fear. None of us could yell at them to stop as the main horde would hear and return.

I fought as fast as I could to get to the girls but lost sight of them going into the woods. Rick was closer and set off after them while I handle the rest. I could hear Carol’s muffled cries under the car, I could feel her pain, even though Lizzy was not my daughter, I couldn’t bear it if I had to put her down because she had been bitten.

It seemed to take longer than I thought to clear the rest of the horde that remained. By then, Shane, Daryl, Glenn and I took off for the woods to try and find Rick and the girls. I prayed to which every God was still listening to prayers, that they were safe. We found Rick and he was alone, my heart sank.

“Did you find them?” I yelled out to him. “I told them to hide while I drew the walkers away, I told them to run back to the highway, keep the sun on their left shoulder. They’re not back?” Rick asked.

“Oh God, oh God.” I couldn’t feel my legs. “They didn’t come past us.” Shane spoke. “Shit!” Rick exclaimed.  “We need to spread out, but be careful, there are still a few walkers out. Glenn, head back to the camp and keep watch there if the girls come back.” “Wh..what do I tell them? Tell Carol?” Rick knew Glenn returning with that news would be awful but hiding the truth may be worse. “Tell her we’ll find the girls.” Glenn nodded and left. The four of us split into pairs and searched opposite directions.

Hours passed and the sun slowly fading from the dying day. The girls were still missing but at least we didn’t find them as walkers. I hated to have to return to the camper without them. I barely spoke on the way back. The look on Carol’s face when we returned empty handed was one of disbelief and horror. “You can’t just stop. They’ll be out there in the dark and cold. Please, my baby.” She sobbed. “I’m sorry, but we can’t see anything at night and we’ll end up losing more people.” “Rick’s right, we’ll start again first light.” Daryl said.

This night was colder than the last; only because I didn’t know where Lizzy would lay her head. Was she safe?  Was she and Sophia warm enough? Were walkers near them? I felt so helpless trying to get to them, walkers surrounded me but all I could think about was getting to Lizzy and Sophia. I failed them. What was the use of fighting if you couldn’t save those you care about? I knew then, I was slipping in the same dark place Andrea fell into when she lost Amy. A place of no hope and no future.  At first light, I had knew resolve. I was tired of losing people, I was not going to lose Lizzy. The group set out in a more coordinated effort. Only Dale and T-Dog stayed behind, T-Dog had hurt his arm when the horde appeared, luckily Daryl had antibiotics in his bag, thanks to his big brother. We split up and I keep my focus on finding Lizzy alive. I just hoped I didn’t run into her, dead and then not so dead.

“Look this is the safest bet, more than likely, they would stay close to the creek.” Daryl spoke as he pointed north. “I still think they would have come back to the highway only further down, perhaps they got turned around and followed it the wrong way.” Shane said. “They’d run the risk if running into that horde on the highway, I vote the creek.” Daryl countered.

“Look, this isn’t a democracy anymore. We need to be open to all possibilities but with the least amount of risk of losing other people. I think one group should follow the creek, the other the highway.” Rick ordered. He was right. Democracy and giving everyone a vote may not get us far in this new world. In the end, someone had to make the tough choice even if that meant hurting someone.

After hours of searching, we came up with nothing and made our way back to the camper. Rick’s group was still out and the sun was dipping below the horizon. “I can’t, I can’t wait around another night.” I said, more to myself and less to those around me. “I’m going back out.”

“Rick said to stay put once we got back to the camper.” Glenn spoke in a meek voice. He didn’t want to take charge but I could tell he had the potential if it came to that. “We shouldn’t separate, that’s all I’m saying.”

“I understand, but…I can’t just sit here and do nothing. I can take care of myself, if I’m not back by morning and you move out, just leave me. Don’t worry, I’ll find you.” I gathered my backpack and threw in a couple bottles of water and some food. “Please, bring my little girl back.” Carol whispered with tears in her eyes. “I will.” Without another word, I set off on my own. Daryl was able to track the girls for a couple of miles before hitting a dead end at the side of a road. My guess is that they could have been picked up by someone which would mean they were getting further and further away each moment.

To be continued…

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